How to look up an Individual



Please note:  If you are unsure of exact spelling you can use the % symbol as a wild card.  For example: brown% would bring up all individuals whose last name begins with Brown (Brownfield, Browning, Brownstone and Brown).  You can use the % at the beginning, middle, or end of your search field.


Then select the General tab for the individual's demographic information.




If your result includes a list of multiple records, you may sort the list by the headers at the top of the fields:  Name, ID, Firm, RT (Record Type), Business city, Status, etc.  Below is the result of clicking on Business City for the name smi% :




The "Look for" option (bottom right of List screen data entry area) can be used to isolate certain records.  Below is the result of entering Prime which locates records in the Firm field: