Individual Other Tab

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Field Descriptions

Sec Addr Type

Enter the  code for what type of secondary address is being used.  Enter Office or Physical (O), Home (H), or Referral (R).  You can also leave this field blank.

Second Address Information

Store a second address for this individual.


Enter the individuals Social Security Number.


Enter the first name of the spouse for the individual.


Enter a code for the source on how we received this individual's name. For example, did this person see our membership ad in the fall newsletter or maybe the direct mail flyer that was sent in May. This information can be used to provide data to our marketing department and for the budget. Simply choose a source from the pop-up; SAMS inserts the code and displays a description of the source type for you. Source codes and descriptions are defined using the Source Code option of the Lookup Codes menu for Individuals located on the SAMS toolbar.

Add Date

The Add Date field is automatically entered by SAMS to the current date. This date reflects the date the individual record was added to the database.

Mail Code

Enter a code describing the type of mail the individual should receive. Mail codes and descriptions are defined using the Mail Codes option of the Lookup Codes menu for Individuals located on the SAMS toolbar.


Enter the date of birth for this individual.

Prospect Code

You can use this field to distinguish the different types of prospective members.  Prospect  codes and descriptions are defined using the Prospect Codes option of the Lookup Codes menu for Individuals located on the SAMS toolbar.

Member Add Date

Enter the date this individual becomes a member of your organization. This field is not automatically updated by SAMS.

Subscription Type and Subscription Expiration Date

Enter the subscription type and expiration date for this individual.  Subscription codes and descriptions are defined using the Subscription Codes option of the Lookup Codes menu for Individuals located on the SAMS toolbar.

Send Fax? / Send Email?

Place a check in either or both boxes if your answer to the question is "yes".


Place a check in the box if the individual should receive your organization's publication.

Journal Expiration Date?

Enter the expiration date for the receipt of your organization's journal publication.


Enter the occupation of the individual here.  These are lookup codes and are different from position code in the fact that this code describes what the individual does (i.e. civil engineer), not their position within the firm.

SIC code

Standard Industrial Classification Code.  These codes are set by the Federal Government to indicate the company's type of business.  The codes are used for tax filing purposes.