SAMS Update Version 3.02.00

This update was released on Monday, March 29, 2004.

Important!  All updates must be run from a workstation and not on the server!

This update will take a while to run!


1.  Expo Info Screen - Added Housing Start Date field (hstartdate).  This field is used in the Expo registration web products and the housing module.  This is the first date that hotel rooms will be available.  Added fields to store prompt text for registration questions 1-6.

2. Hotel Reservations - Added the following new fields:

Number of Guest (noguest)
Reservation Date (resvdate).  This is the date the reservation is made.
Cancel Date (canceldate)
Smoking Room (smoking)
Disability Room (disability)
Firm Name (firm)

3.  Hotel Rooms - Added a new field, Room and Tax (roomandtax)

4.  Expo Registration - Added a new field, Batch.  This field will link registrants from the same firm.  Added the following fields:

Credit Card Name (ccname) - The name that appears on the card.
Credit Card Expiration Date (ccexpdate)
Credit Card Number (ccno)

5.  Students Screen - Added a new monitor tab where monitor information is stored.  Added the following fields:

Chapter (chapter)
Region (region)
Monitor's Name (monname)
Monitor's Address (monaddress)
Monitor's City (moncity)
Monitor's State (monst)
Monitor's Zip code (monzipcode)
Monitor's Tel (montel)

6.  Group Email Screen - The user's signature block is being brought into the body of the email.

7.  Send Email Screen - The user's signature block is being brought into the body of the email.

8.  PAC Info Screen - The cash on hand fields, affidavit and treasury fields will now be populated from the pacinfo screen.

9.  PAC Electronic Transfer Screen - The cash on hand fields, affidavit and treasury fields will now be populated from the pacinfo screen.

10.  Group Email Screen - The group emails will process much faster now.  When you run a group email, it will now blindcc everyone on you list.  That means that SAMS is making one trip to Outlook for all emails instead of one trip for each email.  Be sure and enter the maximum number of Blind CC's you ISP allows after running this update.

11.  Added an edit where an email address must contain an @ or it will be rejected.

12.  PAC EOY Rollout - Fixed a problem where the pledge paid amounts were not being zeroed out.

13.  Membership Buyers Guide - Corrected an error that occurred after deleting a product.

14.  Association Information Screen - Added the following new fields:

Late Fee (latefee) - Late Fee used in SAMS Dues Renewal Web App.
Late Date (latedate) - Date after which late fee is charged.
Late Fee Payment Code (latepaycod) - Payment code used when posting late fee to GL
Max No Blind CCs (maxblindcc) - Maximum number of blind CC's your ISP allows.  Default is 250.

15.  County Table - Increased county number field to a length of 4.

16.  Zip Code Table - Increased county number field to a length of 4.