Texas Electronic Filing Interface

SAMS C/S has created an interface for filing your required Texas Ethics Commission PAC reports.  What once could have taken you hours, can now be done in just a short time.  For more information on how you can include the interface in your database, contact Semarca at 512/343-1049.



Field Descriptions

Beginning Date

Enter the beginning date of the reporting period.

Ending Date

Enter the ending date of the reporting period.

Report No

Number your reports.

Election Type

Enter the election type this report represents:

P = primary

G = general

R = runoff

S = special

O = other


If "other" was entered for election type, indicate the election type here.

Form Type

Choose the appropriate form:


GPAC = general PAC form

MPAC = monthly PAC form

Report Type

Select the appropriate report:


Jan = January

Feb = February

Mar = March

Apr = April

May = May

Jun = June

July = July

Aug = August

Sep = September

Oct = October

Nov = November

Dec = December

E50 = 50th day before election

E30 = 30th day before election

E8 = 8th day before election

A15 = 15th day after treasurer appointed

A10 = 10th day after treasurer terminated

500 = exceeded $500 limit

run = runoff

fin = final report

Jan15 = January 15

Jul15 = July 15

Treasurer Change of Address?

Do you need to notify them of a treasurer's change of address?  It will be so noted on the report.

No Reportable Activity

Check if you have no reportable activity for this particular report.

Signer's Name

Type the signer's name so it will be printed on the report.

Output File